The Art of Flower Therapy
The Art of Flower Therapy
Since the beginning of time, flowers and plants have been used as medicine. Energy healing and holistic methods are growing in popularity as many people are feeling a need to explore different areas of health and wellness and moving away from traditional medicine.
The Art of Flower Therapy teaches us, step by step, how to • gain greater self-awareness • achieve emotional balance and harmony • attain better health and well-being • forge a deeper connection with nature • live the life you desire • integrate flower therapy into their day-to-day lives Readers will receive a clear understanding of the 38 Bach flower remedies and the seven emotional states. The Art of Flower Therapy outlines a simple process to balance emotions, which, in turn, leads to better health. Through the various methods outlined, you’ll feel confident in your ability to choose single and combination remedies for yourself as well as for others. 144 pp | 45 color images