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House of Black Cat Magic

HBCM Ritual Kits

HBCM Ritual Kits

Regular price $13.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $13.00 USD
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What's a witch's familiar if you don't do magic with your cat? We offer four different ritual kits that are designed to be used with your kitty with a variety of purposes.

Finding Your Feline Familiar: Designed to connect you with the perfect feline companion through Ritual & Magic. This kit includes directions for use, Catnip, an orange candle, Tiger's Eye, a cat charm, parchment paper, & a small organza bag.

Bonding with Your Feline Familiar: Designed to help deepen the connection you have with your house panther through Ritual & Magic. This kit includes directions for use, Catnip, Oatgrass seeds, a pink candle, & Carnelian.

Healthy, Happy & Safe Panther Blessing: Designed to promote good health and to keep your feline friend safe. This kit includes directions for use, Catnip, Rosemary, pentacle charm collar, a small organza bag, & parchment paper.

Balancing the Grief of Illness & Loss: Designed to help ease the grief of loss and promote balance and acceptance. This kit includes directions for use, Rose buds, Linden, Lavender, a cat charm, purple candle, & a small organza bag.

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